- January 28 - Group on Faculty Appointments
- closing comments - initial note penned immediately after meeting with Group on Faculty Appointments (Poh-Sun) ➡ then becoming (see below)
- closing comments - January 28, 2022 - Group on Faculty Appointments (by Poh-Sun), Core Ideas
- IAMSE 2022 Pre-Conference Workshop, 22 May 2022 - https://microscholarship.blogspot.com/2022/05/micro-scholarship-as-missing-piece-in.html and https://microscholarship.blogspot.com/2022/02/micro-scholarship-summary.html
- Staff Track 2022 Conference; Southern Group on Educational Affairs (SGEA), AAMC - Pre-conference workshop - Micro-Scholarship: An Innovative Process for All to Engage in Health Professions Educational Scholarship
Staff Track 2022 Conference
Southern Group on Educational Affairs (SGEA), AAMC
Conference Workshop:
Friday, 1 April 2022, 11.20am - 12.20pm EST
Title: Micro-Scholarship: An Innovative Process for All to Engage in Health Professions Educational Scholarship
Presenters: Sol Roberts-Lieb, Poh-Sun Goh
Engaging in scholarship has extended beyond the faculty realm to include staff at all levels. Getting started in scholarship is a challenge for staff who have never been involved or required to participate in or produce scholarship. Micro-scholarship (Goh, Roberts-Lieb, Sandars 2022) is a process that helps staff get started by featuring a step-by-step process to create, collect and collate, and share a wide variety of content without requiring formal research training. Micro-assets, small accessible and assessable products, can be presented as evidence of scholarship and subjected to open peer review. An essential aspect of Micro-Scholarship is reflection and meta-reflection with active engagement in a community of practice. The use of technology, including blogs and social media, can greatly enhance all the activities associated with Micro-Scholarship.
This workshop will provide participants with the theoretical background of Micro-Scholarship, the process and potential use of a wide variety of technologies for Micro-Scholarship, and an opportunity to actively plan how they can develop and present their own scholarship of being a medical educator. In addition, participants will develop their approach to meta-reflection and identify supportive communities of practice and mentors.
Learning Objectives:
After completing this workshop, participants will:
Have an increased awareness of the process and outcomes of Micro-Scholarship
Critically choose technologies for Micro-Scholarship
Brainstorm initial ideas for scholarship based on interest
Outline the steps needed to advance their concept from idea to micro-asset
Develop meta-reflection skills for Micro-Scholarship
Identify appropriate communities of practice and mentors for Micro-Scholarship
Online Facilitation:
This workshop will include:
Audience Response system (PollEverywhere) to gauge interest in scholarship and challenges.
Short Didactic moments to share core content
Breakout room to brainstorm how to engage in communities of practice
Individual time to jot ideas on a Jamboard regarding potential areas of scholarship.
Large group discussion on taking Micro-scholarship from framework to practice.
Materials (abstract, website, community of practice, and theory) will be pre-shared through Micro-Scholarship Website (microscholarship.blogspot.com)
Session Methods and Format: (60 minute session)
Introduction - 5 minutes What is Micro-Scholarship? - A simple culinary analogy, Micro-Scholarship or Micro-Practice simply described, Core Ideas, What is Micro-Scholarship?, Definition of Micro-Scholarship, Micro-Scholarship: ‘elevator pitch’s’ or key takeaways, Micro-Scholarship Tools and Platforms - Purpose, and Fit for Purpose, Opening and Summary Slide, Micro-Scholarship Insight - make each step visible, to count and be counted, Translating Micro-Scholarship to Macro-Scholarship - Choice of Process and Platform, Examining Micro-Scholarship and the components of Macro-Scholarship - which platforms and processes best facilitate modular open digital practice, Sustainable and Scalable Innovation and Transformation Efforts, m(minimalist)-Learning, m-Instruction, m-Education, Scholarship (including Micro-Scholarship) and Assessment - both ‘as’ Learning, not just ‘of’ learning, Focus on each step, each ingredient in Micro-Scholarship, Using a blog as an integrated eLearning (and Micro-Scholarship) tool and platform, (The) Micro-Scholarship Funnel, Fundamental idea underpinning value creation as we undertake each small step, each component, of Micro-Scholarship, (Iterative) Meta-reflection is a key practice in Micro-Scholarship, meta-reflection (meta + reflection), word origin and history, Taking Note, Making (a) Note, allows (An)notation, to (eventually) make this Noteworthy, and Noticed, Participating in Professional Development activities as starting point (to engage in Micro-Scholarship), or Preparing for topic presentation, to participate in a topic discussion, at a meeting (local or international), or conference can be (and often is), the starting point for Micro-Scholarship (the first step), Public Performance and engagement with Peers, on Platforms Polishes and Progressively Perfects Practice(s), or Micro-Scholarship as both the 'means to an end' and 'the end itself', similar to Scholarship - both the process and outcome are important, both 'becoming' and 'being', or Cumulative, and Sustained effort, taking regular small steps - #Micro-Learning, #Micro-Teaching and #Micro-Scholarship, all add up, Emerson quote on taking cumulative steps, and Gates' Law on impact of sustained multi-year effort, 'Organic' (Micro-) Scholarship, Professional Practice, Growth and Development - Time, Timing and Tipping Points, From #Micro-learning, #Micro-lessons, #Micro-teaching to #Micro-Scholarship, From Reusable Learning Objects to Micro-Scholarship, One 'simple' method to aggregate Micro-Scholarship to produce a customised larger work (of Macro-Scholarship), #Micro-Scholarship #Inspiration-of #Genesis-of, Micro-scholarship and Digital Scholarship, #BuildingBlocksOfScholarship in #MedicalEducation, #Categories of Scholarship in Medical Education #Scholarship in MedEd #Micro-Scholarship, From eLearning, Technology enhanced Learning or #DigitalLearning through #DigitalPractice to #DigitalScholarship - a continuum of personal and professional development and growth - best taken in regular, progressive, cumulative small steps - from #MicroLearning, through #MicroPractice to #MicroScholarship, or See (one), Do (one), Practice (with reflection and feedback) - Demonstrate - Showcase, Teach and Train Others, Guide, Mentor, Sponsor and Coach, and engage in Scholarship in an iterative, cyclical, cumulative, progressive, personal and professional growth and developmental journey, or Selected publications - illustrating continuum of #DigitalLearning, #DigitalPractice and #DigitalScholarship - documenting, disseminating and engaging in discourse whilst engaging in faculty development, Micro-Scholarship: 90 second video - ‘elevator pitch’s’ or key takeaways from Poh-Sun, Sol and John, or Technology (platforms) supports open digital practice, which is the key innovation in Micro-Scholarship making visible the smallest accessible and assessable steps that document a scholarly journey, for engagement by and with a Communities of Practice (CoP), or While not everyone wants, or needs, to 'get published' or publications, in the traditional sense, we all need, and aspire to grow and progressively develop, personally and professionally - Micro-Scholarship is a recipe, and formula for engaging in (digital) #MicroLearning, #MicroPractice, and #MicroScholarship - through open digital learning, practice and showcasing what we have learnt, and can do, we take the accessible (for all) and assesable (public) steps - Micro-Scholarship ultimately (and this is how it adds value for all) showcases what we bring to the table, and how we (can) add value, or Why (engage in) Micro-Scholarship? (for all), At its core, the heart of, and central practice of Micro-Scholarship 'is', and embraces all facets and categories of traditional "Scholarship' - including Discovery, Creation and Innovation - through iterative, cumulative small steps - experiments, prototypes, early drafts and thinking; through Integration - of existing work, both intra-disciplinary, and cross-dispciplinary or multi-disciplinary; Application (the Scholarship of) and Practice (including transfer to Practice, the Scholarship of Teaching and Training, or At its core - Micro-Scholarship incorporates 'all' the categories of traditional 'Scholarship', in essence Finding and discovering your (unique) voice, developing and refining this through public reflective (digital) practice, engaging a Community of Practice and Interest, through Micro-Scholarship, for this digital age Micro-Scholarship is an activity for this digital age, acknowledging and anchored on digital learning, digital reflection and digital conversations and engagement, amplifying these through digital practice, and aligning this to expression and exhibition of professional knowledge and skills as digital artefacts, output, and Scholarship, why Scholarship (and why Teach) Teaching (and training) others makes us better practitioners, deepens our own learning; (engaging in Micro-)Scholarship takes us further, providing deeper insights into (the Scholarship of) Practice, (Teaching), Application, Integration (of knowledge), Discovery (Creating and innovating 'new' knowledge), Scholarship and Learning are similar (processes) (fully) engaging in Scholarship 'is' engaging in learning, and a mastery training process, with Micro-Scholarship as the small, cumulative steps or the Categories of Scholarship encompass the processes of deep learning and mastering practice, ➡ Micro-Scholarship - choice of technology tools and platforms - Content, Own your work, Progress from Private to Public and Content, Core - Show (it), Say (it) - Text, Illustrations, Audio and Video - focus on granularity, modularity, reusability, ➡ See (one), Do (one), Teach (one) … Write (‘do’ Scholarship .. then ‘be’ a Scholar .. then) Teach (again), or (Micro-)Scholarship as the path to becoming an Expert and Mastery, ⇨ ➡ Translating or transferring learning to practice through (Micro-)Scholarship, 👉 Example of implementing and 'doing' Micro-Scholarship during TeL in MedEd Workshop @ CenMED NUS 2022, accessible here TeL in MedEd Workshop @ CenMED NUS 2022, ➡ 👉 (engaging in) Micro-Scholarship produces better Scholarship, 👉 (engaging in) Micro-Scholarship refines the ingredients, and components making up Scholarship, 👉 (engaging in ) Micro-Scholarship deepens insights into practice, 👉 (engaging in) Micro-Scholarship deepens learning, 👉 (engaging in) Micro-Scholarship produces better Scholarship, Practice and Learning, 👉 (engaging in) Micro-Scholarship leads to better Scholarship, Practice and Learning, ➡ ↠ ⇾ ↠ ➡ At the core, the beating heart, of Micro-Scholarship is a Design Thinking, Action Research, process, 👉 At the core, the beating heart, of Micro-Scholarship is a Design Thinking, Action Research, process - attuned to user needs, usability, rapid prototyping, and iterative improvement, ⬅ ☆, 👉 Practice (Performance/Teaching, Publishing/the Process of) makes Perfect(s) [Practice], 👉👉Practice (Performance/Teaching, Publishing/the Process of getting Published) makes Perfect(s) [Practice], ➡ Practice makes Perfect, Performance motivates Practice, Publishing (Process of getting Published) improves Practices, ➡ The Learning and Training Process to achieve Proficiency aspiring and aiming toward Mastery is similar to the process of (Micro-)Scholarship (Show, [use]TeL, Do, Share, Write), ➡ Task, Tech, Teach, Try, Transfer (Show, [use] TeL, Do, Share, Write)
Need for Micro-Scholarship (Audience Polling) - 7 minutes
Identify personal needs for Micro-scholarship and associate challenges
Short large group discussion regarding these issues
Micro-Scholarship Process - 5 minutes Micro-Scholarship Process, Micro-Scholarship - How to start? Going public? How does it add up? Benefits of open practice?, Micro-Scholarship Process - To Connect the Dots, Connect the Dots, by first Placing and Making Dots, Successful practice (of Micro-Scholarship) is built on taking regular, cumulative, small, daily steps, Illustrated stacked Micro-Scholarship steps along academic path of educational scholar, Matching ‘Technology’ (tools and platforms) and ‘Jobs to be done’, Individual micro-scholarship becomes macro-scholarship through engagement with a community of practice (CoP), Individual Micro-Scholarship becomes Macro-Scholarship by engaging a CoP and applying established models of Scholarship, Individual Micro-Scholarship through engagement with a CoP and reflective iterative practice and engagement progresses to Macro-Scholarship catching Attention, Interest and adding Value, applying Ikigai and Iron Law of the Market, Building blocks of Scholarship in Medical Education, Categories of Scholarship in Medical Education,
Recap of Micro-Scholarship based on precision materials.
Micro-Scholarship Ideas (Jamboard and group discussion) - 15 minutes
Participants will provide ideas on areas they may want to research.
Responses will be grouped to help participants clarify ideas and find collaborators.
Finding and Creating Communities of Practice (Breakout) - 15 minutes
Groups will discuss how they share their work.
Ideas for the creation or finding of Communities of Practice will be created and discussed.
From Workshop to Practice (Large Group Discussion) - 10 minutes
The group will discuss how to take the ideas generated (both areas of interest and finding a community of practice) and create a plan moving forward.
Closing and Contact - 3 minutes
Sol Roberts-Lieb has extensive experience in formulating, creating, and facilitating engaging online sessions regarding getting started in scholarship.
Poh-Sun Goh has extensive experience in blogging, Micro-Scholarship, and transitioning Micro-Scholarship to Macro-Scholarship.
- Block design team Atma Jaya University - 'Engagements lead to Engagement', Micro-Scholarship Tools and Platforms - Purpose, and Fit for Purpose, 'Performance Art', Getting published as path to mastery, Micro-Scholarship process - to connect the dots, Connect the dots, by first making and placing dots, Team challenge - to learn and deepen insight by 'doing' Micro-Scholarship, Connect outcomes, Digitalisation, LeanInnovation, StartupThinking - #LeanInnovation and #StartUpThinking, Micro-Scholarship as Design and Developmental Process, Working styles and Walking toward destination analogy, Output and Endpoints, Timelines and Milestones, Choosing and using technology tools and platforms, Examples of tools and platforms, Technology tools and features, 'All along the S-curve', Why, Before What, and How, #Time, #Attention, #Energy - #Life, #Value, #Purpose, #Meaning, 'the quality of our lives depends on the quality of the decisions we make', Team technology tools choice, purpose and examples challenge, Block design team tech tools brainstorming and topic tree illustration by AJCUI MEU, #Consulting - #Mentoring - #Coaching, Capacity building based on deep individual insight through coaching process, Vision of transformation in medical education after COVID-19 (23rd ICHPE 2022), Upcoming Micro-Scholarship workshops (select elements from these workshops for 100 minute interactive session with students - upcoming block), Micro-(stackable)-ProfessionalSkillsTraining, 'Time on Task' under reflective training and ultimately coaching paradigm toward Mastery (see also 'All along the S-curve' - above), Sustained 'Micro-Learning' and 'Micro-Scholarship' leading to deep learning and 'Macro-Scholarship', From Micro-Scholarship to Macro-Scholarship, Micro-Scholarship - How to start? Going public? How does it add up? Benefits of open practice?, Completing one 'doing' Micro-Scholarship cycle !
- 100 minute interactive class session on 'Micro-Scholarship' (by Poh-Sun) with students (in August 2022) - upcoming block - Micro-Scholarship or Micro-Practice simply described, Opening and Summary Slide, Know, and be Known (for), Micro-Scholarship - How to start? Going public? How does it add up? Benefits of open practice?, Illustrated stacked Micro-Scholarship steps along academic path of educational scholar, Matching ‘Technology’ (tools and platforms) and ‘Jobs to be done’, Please select (one of three topics from 'block book'), and undertake the Micro-Scholarship process - e.g. define topic - search for 'definition', cite online resource(s) - capture and document this, reflect on this, engage in conversation(s) within your team (your CoP or Community of Practice), search for review article, additional online resources; reflect further and engage in conversations of 'why' this topic is important and of interest to you, translate ideas (you have discovered, and generated through reflection and conversations) into early notes, concept maps, illustrations, multi-media content; continue to capture and document this, engage in discourse and share (disseminate) this; and whilst you are doing this, select a (few) technology tools and platforms (open access, and off the shelf - i.e. free to use) to help you do this - document, engage in discourse and disseminate, 'Worked Example' - of 'doing' Micro-Scholarship by block design team + 'Supporting Information' on 'how to do Micro-Scholarship' by block design team (for students), AJCUI MEC Block Design Team - Micro-Scholarship Instagram website; Successful practice (of Micro-Scholarship) is built on taking regular, cumulative, small, daily steps, Tom Brady on 'doing the work' in pursuit of excellence, focus, and life perspective (WSJ video interview), Shirley Horn - Here's To Life (Verve Records 1992) on YouTube - see also singer bio and lyrics of song - also available here, #Nature #Nurture #Twins #Inner #Outer #Environments #Performance, Learning as a 'download' internalised through use, Personal(ised) - Insight(s), growth and development, education, training, (health)care, Individual micro-scholarship becomes macro-scholarship through engagement with a community of practice (CoP), Individual Micro-Scholarship becomes Macro-Scholarship by engaging a CoP and applying established models of Scholarship, Individual Micro-Scholarship through engagement with a CoP and reflective iterative practice and engagement progresses to Macro-Scholarship catching Attention, Interest and adding Value, applying Ikigai and Iron Law of the Market, Building blocks of Scholarship in Medical Education, Categories of Scholarship in Medical Education, Micro-Scholarship Insight - make each step visible, to count and be counted, Translating Micro-Scholarship to Macro-Scholarship - Choice of Process and Platform, Examining Micro-Scholarship and the components of Macro-Scholarship - which platforms and processes best facilitate modular open digital practice, Sustainable and Scalable Innovation and Transformation Efforts, m(minimalist)-Learning, m-Instruction, m-Education, Scholarship (including Micro-Scholarship) and Assessment - both ‘as’ Learning, not just ‘of’ learning, Focus on each step, each ingredient in Micro-Scholarship, Using a blog as an integrated eLearning (and Micro-Scholarship) tool and platform, (The) Micro-Scholarship Funnel, Fundamental idea underpinning value creation as we undertake each small step, each component, of Micro-Scholarship, (Iterative) Meta-reflection is a key practice in Micro-Scholarship, meta-reflection (meta + reflection), word origin and history, Taking Note, Making (a) Note, allows (An)notation, to (eventually) make this Noteworthy, and Noticed, Participating in Professional Development activities as starting point (to engage in Micro-Scholarship), or Preparing for topic presentation, to participate in a topic discussion, at a meeting (local or international), or conference can be (and often is), the starting point for Micro-Scholarship (the first step), Public Performance and engagement with Peers, on Platforms Polishes and Progressively Perfects Practice(s), or Micro-Scholarship as both the 'means to an end' and 'the end itself', similar to Scholarship - both the process and outcome are important, both 'becoming' and 'being', or Cumulative, and Sustained effort, taking regular small steps - #Micro-Learning, #Micro-Teaching and #Micro-Scholarship, all add up, Emerson quote on taking cumulative steps, and Gates' Law on impact of sustained multi-year effort, 'Organic' (Micro-) Scholarship, Professional Practice, Growth and Development - Time, Timing and Tipping Points, From #Micro-learning, #Micro-lessons, #Micro-teaching to #Micro-Scholarship, From Reusable Learning Objects to Micro-Scholarship, One 'simple' method to aggregate Micro-Scholarship to produce a customised larger work (of Macro-Scholarship), #Micro-Scholarship #Inspiration-of #Genesis-of, Micro-scholarship and Digital Scholarship, #BuildingBlocksOfScholarship in #MedicalEducation, #Categories of Scholarship in Medical Education #Scholarship in MedEd #Micro-Scholarship, From eLearning, Technology enhanced Learning or #DigitalLearning through #DigitalPractice to #DigitalScholarship - a continuum of personal and professional development and growth - best taken in regular, progressive, cumulative small steps - from #MicroLearning, through #MicroPractice to #MicroScholarship, or See (one), Do (one), Practice (with reflection and feedback) - Demonstrate - Showcase, Teach and Train Others, Guide, Mentor, Sponsor and Coach, and engage in Scholarship in an iterative, cyclical, cumulative, progressive, personal and professional growth and developmental journey, or Selected publications - illustrating continuum of #DigitalLearning, #DigitalPractice and #DigitalScholarship - documenting, disseminating and engaging in discourse whilst engaging in faculty development, Micro-Scholarship: 90 second video - ‘elevator pitch’s’ or key takeaways from Poh-Sun, Sol and John, or Technology (platforms) supports open digital practice, which is the key innovation in Micro-Scholarship making visible the smallest accessible and assessable steps that document a scholarly journey, for engagement by and with a Communities of Practice (CoP), or While not everyone wants, or needs, to 'get published' or publications, in the traditional sense, we all need, and aspire to grow and progressively develop, personally and professionally - Micro-Scholarship is a recipe, and formula for engaging in (digital) #MicroLearning, #MicroPractice, and #MicroScholarship - through open digital learning, practice and showcasing what we have learnt, and can do, we take the accessible (for all) and assesable (public) steps - Micro-Scholarship ultimately (and this is how it adds value for all) showcases what we bring to the table, and how we (can) add value, or Why (engage in) Micro-Scholarship? (for all), At its core, the heart of, and central practice of Micro-Scholarship 'is', and embraces all facets and categories of traditional "Scholarship' - including Discovery, Creation and Innovation - through iterative, cumulative small steps - experiments, prototypes, early drafts and thinking; through Integration - of existing work, both intra-disciplinary, and cross-dispciplinary or multi-disciplinary; Application (the Scholarship of) and Practice (including transfer to Practice, the Scholarship of Teaching and Training, or At its core - Micro-Scholarship incorporates 'all' the categories of traditional 'Scholarship', in essence Finding and discovering your (unique) voice, developing and refining this through public reflective (digital) practice, engaging a Community of Practice and Interest, through Micro-Scholarship, for this digital age Micro-Scholarship is an activity for this digital age, acknowledging and anchored on digital learning, digital reflection and digital conversations and engagement, amplifying these through digital practice, and aligning this to expression and exhibition of professional knowledge and skills as digital artefacts, output, and Scholarship, why Scholarship (and why Teach) Teaching (and training) others makes us better practitioners, deepens our own learning; (engaging in Micro-)Scholarship takes us further, providing deeper insights into (the Scholarship of) Practice, (Teaching), Application, Integration (of knowledge), Discovery (Creating and innovating 'new' knowledge), Scholarship and Learning are similar (processes) (fully) engaging in Scholarship 'is' engaging in learning, and a mastery training process, with Micro-Scholarship as the small, cumulative steps or the Categories of Scholarship encompass the processes of deep learning and mastering practice, ➡ Micro-Scholarship - choice of technology tools and platforms - Content, Own your work, Progress from Private to Public and Content, Core - Show (it), Say (it) - Text, Illustrations, Audio and Video - focus on granularity, modularity, reusability, ➡ See (one), Do (one), Teach (one) … Write (‘do’ Scholarship .. then ‘be’ a Scholar .. then) Teach (again), or (Micro-)Scholarship as the path to becoming an Expert and Mastery, ⇨ ➡ Translating or transferring learning to practice through (Micro-)Scholarship, 👉 Example of implementing and 'doing' Micro-Scholarship during TeL in MedEd Workshop @ CenMED NUS 2022, accessible here TeL in MedEd Workshop @ CenMED NUS 2022, ➡ 👉 (engaging in) Micro-Scholarship produces better Scholarship, 👉 (engaging in) Micro-Scholarship refines the ingredients, and components making up Scholarship, 👉 (engaging in ) Micro-Scholarship deepens insights into practice, 👉 (engaging in) Micro-Scholarship deepens learning, 👉 (engaging in) Micro-Scholarship produces better Scholarship, Practice and Learning, 👉 (engaging in) Micro-Scholarship leads to better Scholarship, Practice and Learning, ➡ ↠ ⇾ ↠ ➡ At the core, the beating heart, of Micro-Scholarship is a Design Thinking, Action Research, process, 👉 At the core, the beating heart, of Micro-Scholarship is a Design Thinking, Action Research, process - attuned to user needs, usability, rapid prototyping, and iterative improvement, 👉 At the core, the beating heart, of Micro-Scholarship is a Design Thinking, Action Research, process - attuned to user needs, usability (testing), rapid prototyping, and iterative improvement - user(s) = audience = (members of a) CoP and CoI (Community of Practice and Interest), (rapid) prototype(s) = 'Micro-Assets', with 'Micro-Learning' = reflection (on and in practice), and 'Micro-Practice' = open (digital) activities and practices, ⬅ ☆, 👉 Practice (Performance/Teaching, Publishing/the Process of) makes Perfect(s) [Practice], 👉👉Practice (Performance/Teaching, Publishing/the Process of getting Published) makes Perfect(s) [Practice], ➡ Practice makes Perfect, Performance motivates Practice, Publishing (Process of getting Published) improves Practices, ➡ The Learning and Training Process to achieve Proficiency aspiring and aiming toward Mastery is similar to the process of (Micro-)Scholarship (Show, [use]TeL, Do, Share, Write), ➡ Task, Tech, Teach, Try, Transfer (Show, [use] TeL, Do, Share, Write)