What Is Micro-Scholarship?
By Sol Roberts-Lieb, EdD
February 1, 2022
Goal: The goal of Micro-scholarship isn’t to replace macro-scholarship rather it is to help scholars take that first small, accessible, assessable chunks of scholarship that can be shared, improved upon, and stacked.
Traditional or Macro-Scholarship is considered when the 3 P's, as defined by
Shulman (2012), are met. Work must be publically-available, peer-reviewed, and the work can be built upon. Micro-Scholarship supports these 3 Ps in a lower barrier to entry manner.
Publicly-available – Micro-Scholarship is an iterative
process. It begins with an idea that is cultivated, collated, and conversed
about. This is done in a public or semi-public forum. The goal is to make
micro-assets that can be shared, stacked, and built upon. This public
availability is done through social media, websites, and other digital
platforms to put it in the universe.
Peer-Reviewed – One of the lynchpins of Micro-Scholarship
is the community of practice. Draft or even finished micro-assets are shared
amongst the community of practice. This should be learned by individuals who
can comment, suggest, and help improve upon the asset. All Micro-Scholarship
users (I hate that term) should have some sort of community of practice. Some
may be more formal than others, but this is an essential part. If it isn’t
reviewed, challenged, and improved upon, it’s not micro-scholarship.
Platform to Build Upon – This is another area where
Micro-Scholarship excels. All of the platforms used to both create and share
micro-scholarship should have the ability to build upon the work. For instance, one colleague created a micro-lecture series. That
series was then used in someone else’s work that was macro-scholarship. On the
platforms, there should be the ability to critique and add. Micro-assets developed by other scholars, should be able to stacked in a variety of ways to produce other or a macro-asset.
By Poh-Sun Goh, MBBS, FRCR, MHPE
February 2, 2022
"Open (digital) practice from the outset, I feel, brings rigorous peer review into the equation, from the beginning of the scholarship process.
The platforms (places and people) we engage in, or Communities of Practice (CoP), provide both the 'informed' and 'critical' feedback, and review of this 'early' and 'small' or 'Micro-' pieces of work, from a (much wider) audience. The key distinction is who engages with this work - within CoP (exemplified by conversations within professional organisations and associations at multiple levels, from emails, through meetings, to Webinars, conference workshops, papers and presentations; and journal publications along a spectrum of Micro-Scholarship to Macro-Scholarship). Digital tools and practices facilitate and scale this process.
I am personally inspired by the work of artists, and chefs, who engage in open sketching, including showcasing early drafts and ideas, prototyping, drawing and artistic creation in open studios, and cooking in open kitchens; through publicly exhibiting their work in 'shows', and how professional portfolios are assembled cumulatively in the arts. "
- Poh-Sun Goh, 2 February 2022, 0253am, Singapore Time
Goh PS and Sandars J. Insights from the culinary arts for medical educators [version 1]. MedEdPublish 2017, 6:10 (https://doi.org/10.15694/mep.2017.000010)
Three links below as 'evidence' of engagement with a CoP, and that CoP found above article engaging.
Focus on each step, each ingredient in Micro-Scholarship,
(The) Micro-Scholarship Funnel,
Fundamental idea underpinning value creation as we undertake each small step, each component, of Micro-Scholarship,
(Iterative) Meta-reflection is a key practice in Micro-Scholarship,
meta-reflection (meta + reflection), word origin and history,
Taking Note, Making (a) Note, allows (An)notation, to (eventually) make this Noteworthy, and Noticed,
Participating in Professional Development activities as starting point (to engage in Micro-Scholarship), or
Preparing for topic presentation, to participate in a topic discussion, at a meeting (local or international), or conference can be (and often is), the starting point for Micro-Scholarship (the first step),
Public Performance and engagement with Peers, on Platforms Polishes and Progressively Perfects Practice(s), or
Micro-Scholarship as both the 'means to an end' and 'the end itself', similar to Scholarship - both the process and outcome are important, both 'becoming' and 'being', or
Cumulative, and Sustained effort, taking regular small steps - #Micro-Learning, #Micro-Teaching and #Micro-Scholarship, all add up,
Emerson quote on taking cumulative steps, and Gates' Law on impact of sustained multi-year effort,
'Organic' (Micro-) Scholarship, Professional Practice, Growth and Development - Time, Timing and Tipping Points,
From #Micro-learning, #Micro-lessons, #Micro-teaching to #Micro-Scholarship,
From Reusable Learning Objects to Micro-Scholarship,
One 'simple' method to aggregate Micro-Scholarship to produce a customised larger work (of Macro-Scholarship),
#Micro-Scholarship #Inspiration-of #Genesis-of,
Micro-scholarship and Digital Scholarship,
#BuildingBlocksOfScholarship in #MedicalEducation,
#Categories of Scholarship in Medical Education #Scholarship in MedEd #Micro-Scholarship,
From eLearning, Technology enhanced Learning or #DigitalLearning through #DigitalPractice to #DigitalScholarship - a continuum of personal and professional development and growth - best taken in regular, progressive, cumulative small steps - from #MicroLearning, through #MicroPractice to #MicroScholarship, or
See (one), Do (one), Practice (with reflection and feedback) - Demonstrate - Showcase, Teach and Train Others, Guide, Mentor, Sponsor and Coach, and engage in Scholarship in an iterative, cyclical, cumulative, progressive, personal and professional growth and developmental journey, or
Selected publications - illustrating continuum of #DigitalLearning, #DigitalPractice and #DigitalScholarship - documenting, disseminating and engaging in discourse whilst engaging in faculty development,
Micro-Scholarship: 90 second video - ‘elevator pitch’s’ or key takeaways from Poh-Sun, Sol and John, or
Technology (platforms) supports open digital practice, which is the key innovation in Micro-Scholarship making visible the smallest accessible and assessable steps that document a scholarly journey, for engagement by and with a Communities of Practice (CoP), or
While not everyone wants, or needs, to 'get published' or publications, in the traditional sense, we all need, and aspire to grow and progressively develop, personally and professionally - Micro-Scholarship is a recipe, and formula for engaging in (digital) #MicroLearning, #MicroPractice, and #MicroScholarship - through open digital learning, practice and showcasing what we have learnt, and can do, we take the accessible (for all) and assesable (public) steps - Micro-Scholarship ultimately (and this is how it adds value for all) showcases what we bring to the table, and how we (can) add value, or
Why (engage in) Micro-Scholarship? (for all),
At its core, the heart of, and central practice of Micro-Scholarship 'is', and embraces all facets and categories of traditional "Scholarship' - including Discovery, Creation and Innovation - through iterative, cumulative small steps - experiments, prototypes, early drafts and thinking; through Integration - of existing work, both intra-disciplinary, and cross-dispciplinary or multi-disciplinary; Application (the Scholarship of) and Practice (including transfer to Practice, the Scholarship of Teaching and Training, or
At its core - Micro-Scholarship incorporates 'all' the categories of traditional 'Scholarship', in essence
Finding and discovering your (unique) voice, developing and refining this through public reflective (digital) practice, engaging a Community of Practice and Interest, through Micro-Scholarship, for this digital age
Micro-Scholarship is an activity for this digital age, acknowledging and anchored on digital learning, digital reflection and digital conversations and engagement, amplifying these through digital practice, and aligning this to expression and exhibition of professional knowledge and skills as digital artefacts, output, and Scholarship, why Scholarship (and why Teach)
Teaching (and training) others makes us better practitioners, deepens our own learning; (engaging in Micro-)Scholarship takes us further, providing deeper insights into (the Scholarship of) Practice, (Teaching), Application, Integration (of knowledge), Discovery (Creating and innovating 'new' knowledge), Scholarship and Learning are similar (processes)
(fully) engaging in Scholarship 'is' engaging in learning, and a mastery training process, with Micro-Scholarship as the small, cumulative steps or
the Categories of Scholarship encompass the processes of deep learning and mastering practice, ➡
Micro-Scholarship - choice of technology tools and platforms - Content, Own your work, Progress from Private to Public and
Content, Core - Show (it), Say (it) - Text, Illustrations, Audio and Video - focus on granularity, modularity, reusability, ➡
See (one), Do (one), Teach (one) … Write (‘do’ Scholarship .. then ‘be’ a Scholar .. then) Teach (again), or
(Micro-)Scholarship as the path to becoming an Expert and Mastery, ⇨ ➡
Translating or transferring learning to practice through (Micro-)Scholarship, 👉
Example of implementing and 'doing' Micro-Scholarship during TeL in MedEd Workshop @ CenMED NUS 2022, accessible here
TeL in MedEd Workshop @ CenMED NUS 2022, ➡ 👉
(engaging in) Micro-Scholarship produces better Scholarship, 👉
(engaging in) Micro-Scholarship refines the ingredients, and components making up Scholarship, 👉
(engaging in ) Micro-Scholarship deepens insights into practice, 👉
(engaging in) Micro-Scholarship deepens learning, 👉
(engaging in) Micro-Scholarship produces better Scholarship, Practice and Learning, 👉
(engaging in) Micro-Scholarship leads to better Scholarship, Practice and Learning, ➡ ↠ ⇾ ↠ ➡
At the core, the beating heart, of Micro-Scholarship is a Design Thinking, Action Research, process, 👉 At the core, the beating heart, of Micro-Scholarship is a Design Thinking, Action Research, process -
attuned to user needs, usability, rapid prototyping, and iterative improvement, 👉 At the core, the beating heart, of Micro-Scholarship is a Design Thinking, Action Research, process - attuned to user needs, usability (testing), rapid prototyping, and iterative improvement -
user(s) = audience = (members of a) CoP and CoI (Community of Practice and Interest), (rapid) prototype(s) = 'Micro-Assets', with 'Micro-Learning' = reflection (on and in practice), and 'Micro-Practice' = open (digital) activities and practices, ⬅ ☆, 👉
Practice (Performance/Teaching, Publishing/the Process of) makes Perfect(s) [Practice], 👉👉
Practice (Performance/Teaching, Publishing/the Process of getting Published) makes Perfect(s) [Practice], ➡
Practice makes Perfect, Performance motivates Practice, Publishing (Process of getting Published) improves Practices, ➡
The Learning and Training Process to achieve Proficiency aspiring and aiming toward Mastery is similar to the process of (Micro-)Scholarship (Show, [use]TeL, Do, Share, Write), ➡
Task, Tech, Teach, Try, Transfer (Show, [use] TeL, Do, Share, Write)
"power laws — a relationship between two things in which a change in one thing can lead to a large change in the other, regardless of the initial quantities. In both of our examples, a small investment of time at the beginning of the endeavor leads to a large increase in performance"
"Understanding basic theory using a few illustrative examples. Mastering a topic by exposure to and experience with many examples.
Typical examples or real-life scenarios can be used to illustrate theory, and help students understand fundamental principles. Mastering a topic usually requires exposure to and experience with many examples, both typical and atypical, common to uncommon including subtle manifestations of a phenomenon. The traditional method of doing this is via a long apprenticeship, or many years of practice with feedback and experience. A digital collection of educational scenarios and cases can support and potentially shorten this educational and training process. Particularly if a systematic attempt is made to collect and curate a comprehensive collection of all possible educational scenarios and case-based examples, across the whole spectrum of professional practice. Online access to key elements, parts of and whole sections of these learning cases; used by students with guidance by instructors under a deliberate practice and mastery training framework, can potentially accelerate the educational process, and deepen learning."
above from
"By reviewing research on medical performance and education, the author describes evidence for these representations and their development within the expert- performance framework. He uses the research to generate suggestions for improved training of medical students and professionals. Two strategies— designing learning environments with libraries of cases and creating opportunities for individualized teacher-guided training—should enable motivated individuals to acquire a full set of refined mental representations. Providing the right resources to support the expert- performance approach will allow such individuals to become self-regulated learners—that is, members of the medical community who have the tools to improve their own and their team members’ performances throughout their entire professional careers.'
from abstract of
Ericsson KA. Acquisition and maintenance of medical expertise: a perspective from the expert-performance approach with deliberate practice. Acad Med. 2015 Nov;90(11):1471-86. doi:10.1097/ACM.0000000000000939. PubMed PMID: 26375267.
" miCro-ScholarshiP (essentially is an) aCcessable Cumulative Curating Creative Crafting ProCcess Centred (on) Conversations (within) Communities (of Practice and interest) - (involving) Self-reflection (and) Self-expression Showcasing Content (and) Capabilities (in a) Sustainable Step-wise ProCcess. PubliCly.” - Poh-Sun Goh, 11 May 2022, 0452am, Singapore Time
Micro-Scholarship engages 'the market', your audience, early in order to facilitate 'market testing', iterative cumulative refinement of your ideas and message, through feedback and self reflection, facilitated and supported by open digital practice. Poh-Sun Goh, 16 May 2022, 0341am, Monday, Singapore Time
Engaging your audience, your professional community (of practice, or CoP), the 'market for your ideas' whilst simultaneously engaging in reflection on and reflection 'in' your practice is key. Undergoing iterative cycles of this. Starting privately, by taking note, then making notes (engaging in self-reflective process of knowledge [or Scholarship of] integration [though exposure, (wide) reading], application and teaching or transfer to practice [testing ideas, trying them out, action research], whilst simultaneously customising, innovating for local conditions whilst also simultaneously generalising for underlying principles, and thinking how to disseminate and scale to wider audience (the scholarship of innovation, and creation). Essentially, see (get exposed to), practice (and reflect), do (with reflection and feedback, engaging with a CoP), share your experience (and teach) [to reflect on and in more, engage your CoP, get more feedback, deepen personal insight, sharpen your unique message(s), what you bring to the table, what you bring to 'conversations' and what is 'written' and discussed on a topic in your field of practice, with your CoP], and then disseminate and write this, submit for peer review presentation and publication at conferences (local, regional and international) and publication. The key distinction is that Micro-Scholarship engages in open digital practice, supported by technology tools and platforms, at the earliest stages of this process. To both refine your own thinking, and 'market test' your ideas.
Poh-Sun Goh, 16 May 2022, Monday, 0335am, Singapore Time
Simply put
"Micro-Scholarship helps (you to) find your voice, and refine your message, by engaging your audience, early. In small steps." Poh-Sun
Through open digital practice and self-reflection. Starting, and continuing a regular (even daily) step-wise exercise, in an iterative, cumulative process (from local and regional to international wide engagement and dissemination)."
Poh-Sun Goh, 16 May 2022, Monday, 0352am, Singapore Time.
Even simpler
"Connecting. Heart. Head. Hands.
You are (passionately) interested, connect with certain topics, themes, ideas and work. Personally.
The essence of (Micro)Scholarship is (finding, and) connecting with others (personally and professionally) who feel (are interested in), think and (want to, have capacity to, and) are interested in engaging with you (on these topics, themes, ideas and work)."
Poh-Sun Goh, 16 May 2022, Monday, 0443am, Singapore Time
➡ Micro-Scholarship. To take small steps. Together. Poh-Sun Goh, 16 May 2022, Monday, 0449am, Singapore Time
"Finding your CoP - for Micro-Scholarship engagement
There are two hands needed to clap. (at least) Two to engage (head, heart, hands).
You find you audience, your market, by going to the marketplace. And visiting the sections and stalls, where your audience, and customers visit, and spend time. In physical spaces or digital ones. Hangouts. Meetings (places). Local societies. Associations. Regional and International. By topic. Theme. Interest group."
Poh-Sun Goh, 16 May 2022, 0505am, Singapore Time
"Finding you (unique) voice.
Personal and Professional 'Branding'. Mindshare. Coming first to mind, being uppermost in your audience or market's mind, when asking 'who' question. About topic or theme. Job to be done.
This is the starting point of (Micro)Scholarship. The essence of why and what is done. Unique content. To add value. To a conversation. With a CoP."
Poh-Sun Goh, 16 May 2022, Monday, 0515am, Singapore Time
Bottom line.
Micro-Scholarship connects you to your market. Your community (of practice). In small doable steps. Open digital practice scales, taking full advantage of 'both' the 'power-laws' and 'network effects'.
Poh-Sun Goh, 16 May 2022, 0525am, Singapore Time.
Micro-Scholarship produces a 'tangible' output, a micro-asset or piece of micro-content, that can be added to, built upon, or simply re-used (as standalone or partly processed 'ingredient' to use a culinary analogy).
Micro-Scholarship can be seen, and 'tasted' (another culinary analogy) or assessed.
Open digital practice is accessible, and assessable.
This tangible output is doable, measurable (and can be personally 'enjoyed' from an achievement and 'satisfaction' point of view).
Poh-Sun Goh, 16 May 2022, Monday, 0722am, Singapore Time
Goh PS and Sandars J. Insights from the culinary arts for medical educators [version 1]. MedEdPublish 2017, 6:10 (https://doi.org/10.15694/mep.2017.000010)
Communities have Common interests, passions and values (what members find valuable and of value - enough to continue to allocate time, attention and energy to - individual and community needs and wants) to Continue to (and sustain engagement, be a sustainable enterprise) Coming together to Converse, find Common ground, and Construct together. Heart, Heads and Hands.
Communities Congregate Connect Converse Construct (together). Regularly. In small steps.
Poh-Sun Goh, 16 May 2022, Monday, 0742am, Singapore Time
Simple Small (Daily) Steps to 'do' Micro-Scholarship
- Be both narrow and broad on regular (daily) basis - in your area of interest, read and reflect on at least one new or related piece of content, curate this (archive citation and link) including a short personal written reflection on the piece - relevance, usefulness, application (etc); and at least one other (related or not) area that captures your attention immediately after you have done some focused 'deep' work in your area of interest, curate this also - one additional tip I find useful is switching from digital to analogue (which slows me down) both reading and note taking
- Create space and some 'off' time to allow opportunity for your mind to form links between what you have engaged with, and your existing work - personally, I 'wash dishes' focusing on sensation of water, take a long bath or shower, or gentle physical exercise, or simply spend a short period of time in silence
- Leave enough time when inspiration strikes to then engage in (scholarship of) creation, integration, application or (transfer to) teaching or practice by writing, sketching, drawing - recording and crafting a piece of micro-scholarship
- I do this first thing early every morning, before the tasks of the rest of the day intrude - applying the idea of 'doing' the most important thing first on regular basis, cumulatively, accumulating gains (and applying the 'compounding' idea and 'power-laws')
- Engage a CoP as part of this process (informally or as part of formal process) - in-person analogue or digitally; in the workplace, as part of a scholarship or writing team, and progressively from local through regional to international, applying 'network theory' in practice
- I find having a series of small local to larger regional and international meetings, conferences, and publication - dissemination events to aim for, which I have agreed to 'present in' and 'produce work for' as part of collaborative teams works best.
- Daily blogging as example of open digital practice, including regular posting on Instagram and SlideShare works for me too, in keeping me productive, and crafting content to engage with a CoP, the content of which is progressively refined and improved upon, through iterative cycles of reflection and feedback, wider reading and engagement, integration, application and transfer to practice and teaching.
Poh-Sun Goh 17 May 2022, Tuesday, 0531am, Singapore Time
'Accessible Scholarship' is Topical and Trending
Subha Ramani, Judy McKimm, Kirsty Forrest, Richard Hays, Jo Bishop, Harish Thampy, Ardi Findyartini, Vishna Devi Nadarajah, Rashmi Kusurkar, Keith Wilson, Helena Filipe & Elizabeth Kachur (2022) Co-creating scholarship through collaborative writing in health professions education: AMEE Guide No. 143, Medical Teacher, 44:4, 342-352, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1993162
Rajaei K. Sharma & Harriet L. Ogle (2022) Twelve tips for students who wish to write and publish, Medical Teacher, 44:4, 360-365, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1908977
Cassandra Préfontaine, Isabelle Gaboury, Hélène Corriveau, Jacinthe Beauchamp, Chantal Lemire & Marie-Josée April (2022) Assessment tools for reflection in healthcare learners: A scoping review, Medical Teacher, 44:4, 394-400, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1998400
Lisette van Bruggen, Esther E. van Dijk, Marieke van der Schaaf, Manon Kluijtmans & Olle ten Cate (2022) Developing entrustable professional activities for university teachers in the health professions, Medical Teacher, 44:4, 425-432, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1998402
Danielle Blouin (2022) Health professions education as a discipline: Evidence based on Krishnan’s framework, Medical Teacher, 44:4, 445-449, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2021.2020233
Anthony C. Breu & Avraham Z. Cooper (2022) Tweetorials: Digital scholarship deserving of inclusion in promotion portfolios, Medical Teacher, 44:4, 450-452, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2022.2029383
Micro-Scholarship 'play-box' exercise(s) below:
M - manageable
i - incremental
c - creative, curate, conversations, communities (of Practice)
r - reflective (self-refection), responsive (to feedback)
o - opportunistic, open (practice)
S - selective (focused), sustainable
c - cumulative, continuous
h -
o - open
l -
a - actionable (doAble), accessable
r -
s -
h -
i - individual (your own voice, what you bring to the conversation)
p - process (and) path
(fill in the blanks - your own - personalise this)
Poh-Sun Goh, 11 May 2022, 0633am, Singapore Time
M - manageable
i - incremental
c - creative, curate, conversations, communities (of Practice)
r - reflective (self-refection), responsive (to feedback)
o - opportunistic, open (practice)
S - selective (focused), sustainable
c - cumulative, continuous
h - helpful
o - open
l – life-long
a - actionable (doAble), accessible, assessable.
r - reusable
s - supported, scholarly
h -Habits (of mind), Hands-on)
i - individual (your own voice, what you bring to the conversation)
p - process (and) path
Sol Roberts-Lieb, 12 May 2022, 0148am, Singapore Time
Micro-Scholarship Workshop - 2 'fun' more general in workshop micro-scholarship tasks following online article read trigger - the 'trigger' is the title or key word - topic - theme
#1 Happiness (micro-exercise)
#2 Apple and its Mixed Reality Headset Product / VR headsets
or, a third exercise related to workshop activities
#3 Read and Write Every Day


A Micro-Scholarship 'poem' - (to) write
(to) write (a little, every day)
read (a little, every day)
reflect ( .., .. )
converse ( with others, in your CoP or CoI, community of practice or interest .., .. )
share ( disseminate, present .., .. )
repeat, scale (including 'up' scaling, from local to international .., .. )
Poh-Sun Goh
22 May 2022, Sunday, 1037am, Singapore Time

A (second) follow up Micro-Scholarship 'poem' - titled "to have Something to Say ..."
Poh-Sun Goh, 22 May 2022, Sunday, 0515pm, Singapore Time
To have Something to Say ...
(find, discover your) Focus ('your' area of interest, passion)
(go) Deeper (a little, every day)
(know) More (.., ..)
(to) write (.., ..)
(to) write (a little, every day)
read (a little, every day)
reflect ( .., .. )
converse ( with others, in your CoP or CoI, community of practice or interest .., .. )
share ( disseminate, present .., .. )
repeat, scale (including 'up' scaling, from local to international .., .. )
Poh-Sun Goh
22 May 2022, Sunday, 1037am, Singapore Time
(to) find (.., ..)
Your Voice
Your Community (of Practice, of Interests)
Your Audience
Your 'Market'
(by 'Doing' .., ..)
a little, every day
(.., ..)
Poh-Sun Goh
22 May 2022, Sunday 0517pm, Singapore Time

Content Connecting Communities
Poh-Sun Goh, 23 May 2022, Monday, 0758am, Singapore Time
Content Connects (with and Connecting) Communities
with 'Meetings', 'Meet-ups', and 'Mash-ups' in-person or on technology platforms, using analogue or digital tools as our
Canvas, (to) Converse, (and) Capture
Cumulatively, (a)Ccumulating, (and refining) Content (initially micro-content, stacking and) Combining
(to) Create (and) Craft (maCro-Content or maCro-sCholarship)
Bottom line:
"Micro-Scholarship is a 'core skill' - a (habitual) process to cumulatively take small steps, making (useful and usable) small pieces of content, that can standalone or combine, 'with' and 'for' a community (of practice and interest, who are interested in, and find this content useful) audience or 'market'.
Similar to skill and competency in using technology; 'networking' and taking full advantage of network and platform (human association) effects."
Poh-Sun Goh, 25 May 2022, Wednesday, 0420am, Singapore Time
3 Micro-Scholarship fundamentals with 3 Life analogies
Get a head start, and start early - especially when embarking on a long journey or scholarship task
Iterative steps compound and scale - the more cycles undertaken - self reflection on and in action + collaboration/conversation with diverse teammates
Live each precious day and moment meaningfully - with a tangible visible outcome and output - that can be added to the next day - capture energy engagement - whether meaningful memorable moments, or Micro-Scholarship. Each day and moment is ultimately what we live in. The present. Be present. With a hopeful glimpse of a better tomorrow.
Poh-Sun Goh, 14 May 2022, 0415am, Singapore time
Two recent publications below - arising from conference keynote / plenary presentations, KSME 2021 and IAMSE 2020 - see accompanying session blogs for examples of Micro-Scholarship (cited within these open access articles) leading to Macro-Scholarship
Goh, PS. 'The vision of transformation in medical education after the COVID-19 pandemic'. Korean J Med Educ. 2021;33 (3): 171-174. Publication Date (Web): 2021 August 27
Goh PS. Using a blog as an integrated eLearning tool and platform. Med Teach. 2016 Jun;38(6):628-9. doi: 10.3109/0142159X.2015.1105947. Epub 2015 Nov 11. PMID: 26558420.